
DuBois Area Timeline

  • 1682 Pennsylvania Founded William Penn arrives in the New World after receiving a charter from King Charles II, establishing the Province of Pennsylvania as a refuge for Quakers and other religious groups. Penn founds Philadelphia, which quickly becomes a significant trade and cultural center.
  • 1776 America's Independence The United States declares independence from Great Britain, with the Declaration of Independence being signed in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776.
  • 1796 George Shaffer Purchase George Shaffer purchases 364 acres in what would become Brady Township, Clearfield County along the Sandy Lick Creek.
  • 1812 DuBois Area Settled The George Shaffer family arrives at future site of DuBois.
  • 1824 Falls Creek The first settlers arrived in the Falls Creek area in 1824 and Falls Creek Borough was established of Washington Township in Jefferson County in 1839.
  • 1826 Luthersburg Brady Township was officially organized in 1826. A road from Luthersburg to Troutville (Route 410) was completed in 1831, and in 1835, Luthersburg was laid out as a town.
  • 1847 John DuBois Land purchase John DuBois purchases 291 acres in Clearfield County.
  • 1861 American Civil War Begins The American Civil War begins in 1861, with Pennsylvania playing a key role in the Union's victory over the Confederacy.
  • 1872 John Rumbarger establishes Rumbarger Town John Rumbarger laid out 100 lots on his farm near what is now N. Main St & W. Long Ave and named it Rumbarger.
  • 1873 John DuBois begins building his 1st Mill here John DuBois began construction of the "small mill" to cut material for constructing the "large mill."
  • 1873 Reynoldsville Reynoldsville borough was formed from a portion of Winslow Township, Jefferson County.
  • 1874 Allegheny Valley Low Grade Railroad The AVRR arrived in DuBois. It was an East/West line. The line ran from East Brady to Driftwood and opened the area for significant growth.
  • 1874 First Coal Mine Mine opened by M.B. McHugh
  • 1881 DuBois The Borough of DuBois was incorporated out of Sandy Township, Clearfield County.
  • 1883 Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad The BR&P arrived in DuBois, this was a North/South line. Coal mining was becoming a major employer in our region.
  • 1884 DuBois/VanTassel Tannery established In 1884 the VanTassel brothers, Alexander & Edward partnered with John DuBois to build a tannery on 1st Street.
  • 1886 John DuBois dies John DuBois dies and is succeeded by John E. Dubois as owner of the property & businesses of his uncle.
  • 1888 Great DuBois Fire The fire destroyed the entire business district of DuBois.
  • 1890 Trolleys come to DuBois 14 April 1890 the DuBois Traction Passenger Railway Company is chartered.
  • 1893 First Firemen's Parade The tradition begins as firemen in DuBois organize a parade to showcase their commitment and service to the community, a tradition that continues annually to this day.
  • 1896 DuBois Brewery Frank Hahne Sr. Starts DuBois Brewery: German immigrant Frank Hahne Sr. establishes the DuBois Brewery, crafting flavorful beers and maintaining exceptional cleanliness. The brewery operates until 1972.
  • 1896 The Street Car Era DuBois introduces the DuBois Traction Street Railroad Co. in 1896, providing a streetcar system that expands across the city until the rise of automobiles in the 1920s leads to its decline.
  • 1897 DuBois Hospital Hospital opened on W. Scribner Ave.
  • 1900 Deep Shaft Coal Mining Berwind-White Coal Company establishes coal mining in DuBois, contributing to the city's growth until labor disputes in 1929 lead to the closure of deep shaft mining.
  • 1904 DuBois Lumber Mill The DuBois Lumber mill closed in DuBois after 28 years of operation and the cutting of almost a billion board feet of lumber.
  • 1907 Sykesville Established In September 1907, forty-five lots ranging from $20 to $55 each were sold at public auction by the Sykesville Land Company. Sykesville became a borough early in 1907 with the first Borough election held on April 30, 1907.
  • 1915 DuBois becomes a City City status approved by Commonwealth of PA.
  • 1918 Maple Avenue Hospital 8 October 1918 Maple Ave. Hospital opened.
  • 1918 Pvt. James Patterson USMC Pvt. Patterson was first DuBois Marine killed in WWI.
  • 1934 First night football game played The 1st night football game was played between DuBois & Ridgway. DuBois won 7-0.
  • 1935 DuBois Center of Penn State DuBois Center of Penn State opens.
  • 1936 St. Patrick's Day Flood DuBois experienced significant flooding as a result of heavy rain and snow melt.
  • 1941 Radio Station WCED First radio broadcast of WCED DuBois is made.
  • 1954 DuBois's Last Train Ride DuBois experiences the end of its era as a major railroad center, with the last ride on the C & M Junction Division of the B & O Railroad from DuBois to Clearfield taking place on June 15, 1954.
  • 1958 Major Israel McCreight "First Citizen" M.I. McCreight 93, dies.
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