
History of the Society 1982-Present

History of the Society 1982-2023

  • 1982 – Evo Facchine, president of the DuBois Chamber of Commerce, makes an announcement at a Chamber event proposing the founding of a historical society.
  • 1982 –DuBois Area Historical Society’s inaugural banquet at the DuBois Country Club. The banquet was held as one of the events during the third Tom Mix Festival.
  • 1982 – An organizational meeting was held at the DuBois Chamber of Commerce office leading to the election of Dr. John Furlow as president, Sam King as vice president, Lois Pegg as secretary, and Evo Facchine as treasurer.
  • 1993 – Society President E. D. Reitz announces that S & T Bank had accepted the Society’s bid to purchase the property at 30 West Long Ave.

*1994 – 30 West Long Avenue becomes the Society’s museum with an official opening in September. The former Lowe’s building later becomes the Society’s second building.

  • 1999 – The Society purchases the former Shively Jewelry store, completing its current museum complex.
  • 2007 – The Society holds its initial Spring Luncheon.
  • 2008 – First “Spirit of DuBois Lantern Walk” is held by the Society.
  • 2008 – The Society prints its first calendar as a fund raiser.

*2012 – The Society celebrates its 30th year.

  • 2012 – E. D. Reitz Museum rewired by Hallstrom-Clark Electric of DuBois and the IBEW Local No.5.
  • 2013 – DuBois Area Historical Society’s Spirit of DuBois Lantern Walk sets attendance record of 352.
  • 2014 – E. D. Reitz Museum was featured on the annual Christmas ornament originating from the DuBois Chamber of Commerce.
  • 2015 – Children’s “Night at the Museum” held for the first time.
  • 2015 – DuBois Area Historical Society’s 33rd Annual Dinner attracts a record attendance of 114
  • 2016 – The DuBois Area Historical Society hosts the Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad Symposium.
  • 2017 – The E. D. Reitz Museum’s veteran’s room is named in honor of Evo G. Facchine Veterans’ Room for his dedication to veterans and to the DuBois Area Historical Society.
  • 2018 – DuBois Area Historical Society and DuBois American Legion Montgomery Post #17 Commander co-sponsor a new Liberty Boulevard sign in the DuBois City Park commemorating the 100thanniversary of the naming of Liberty Boulevard and honors the soldiers, sailors and marines returning from the World War of 1917-18.
  • 2019 – High winds cause damage to the awning and roof furnace unit of the E. D. Reitz Museum.
  • 2020 – COVID-19 forces cancellation of all Society activities.
  • 2021 – First in the Society’s historic interpretive panel project is installed in the DuBois City Park.
  • 2022 – DuBois Area Historical Society celebrates its 40th anniversary.
  • 2022 – DuBois Area Historical Society takes lead role in celebration of DuBois’ 150th anniversary.
  • 2022 – A record 145 people attend the DuBois Area Historical Society’s 13th Spring Luncheon.
  • 2023 – The Society’s capital campaign with a goal of $38,500 for improvements to the E. D. Reitz Museum is announced.